New Here

New Here

New Here

The Beacon
February 2025

“As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” (II Timothy 4:5)

“I wish I would’ve said…”

That’s what came to me not too long after my last "missed opportunity.” I have had many throughout the years. The last one was recent, so I should be able to recall it and pass along the details. (This may be age-related!) I do not want to make anything up, so just know that “I wish I would’ve said…”

On the other hand, I do remember a conversation that I had with a man who was helping me at a store. We were talking about “life matters,” and I asked him if he knew the Lord. He said that he did. A tract had caught his attention years earlier, and he came to know Christ as his Savior and is involved in a local evangelical church. That time I did not leave saying to myself, “I wish I would’ve said.”

Do you find yourself taking advantage of opportunities to share the Gospel or to encourage someone in the faith? Do those come easy or natural for you, or are they a struggle? Do you have to be intentional in order to be involved in conversations or activities that may have eternal value? Are you intentional? Do you remember the last time you were intentional about anything?

I think the Apostle Paul wanted some intentionality from Timothy. From the beginning of II Timothy 4, it sounds like a time was coming in their culture when people would not be interested in the truth of the Gospel. Paul “charged” Timothy to be ready and intentional with God’s Word. People would need truth in an age of falsehood. Someone would need to be ready with it!

Paul did not make it sound like this would be an easy assignment. He called for an attitude of sober-mindedness. Suffering may be involved. And then there was the part that so many Christians may resist or explain away or slink back from: “Do the work of an evangelist.” How can you do that without the gift of evangelism?

In another passage (Ephesians 5:16), Paul encouraged Timothy to “…[make] the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” A Christian taking that verse to heart would want to be intentional about spreading God’s truth and reaching out with the Gospel.

On Saturday, February 8th, we are planning to have lunch at the Bello Ciao restaurant in Mahtomedi at 11:00 a.m. We did this last year around Valentine’s Day and it was a nice gathering. Do you look at a time like that as an opportunity to invite a friend? What a great opportunity to share the love of the Lord with someone who needs Him. I wonder if anyone in our church will be intentional? It could involve initiative, being sacrificial, and doing what does not come easy – although it might also fulfill God’s purpose. Or maybe some will look back on the event and say something like, “I wish I would have…”